Miki Allouis
Having roots in Japan, I have made regular visits since childhood, fuelling a passion and an emotional connection to the oriental arts. It has been natural and enjoyable for me to explore and express this through my paintings, using the tradition of East Asian brush painting.
I have studied at the Sotheby’s Institute both the contemporary and traditional art of China, Korea and Japan. This has influenced my work in terms of style and subject matter and provided a historical context for this art discipline. I have also spent some years practising the Japanese tea ceremony, or “chado” (the way of tea), which has increased my sensitivity to beauty in natural forms and to the changing seasons. Both the tea ceremony and this style of painting involve a type of active meditation.
Over the years I have developed and refined my brush techniques using traditional inks, brushes and handmade papers, with subjects inspired by the oriental arts, nature and the changing seasons.